Three Swedish blogs on AdAge Power 150

Here is a new analysis of the AdAge Power 150 list, broken down into country of origin and with a focus on non-US blogs. I haven’t blogged that frequently the last few months, so my rankings have been slipping. Still it’s great to see that Adland, Blog of Ronnestam and Media Culpa defend the Swedish colours, placing Sweden among the top non-English language countries.

AdAge Power 150 is a ranking of the world’s most influential marketing blogs.

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Top PR and social media blogs

I love ranking lists, especially the ones that include me. So I have to write about these rankings from Invesp Consulting that list blogs in a variety of categories, based on factors like Google Page Rank and incoming links. I am happy to find Media Culpa currently listed as number 21 in public relations and 119 in social media. Not bad for a guy blogging in a second language (and I get 0 for subscribers since my FeedBurner stats are not in yet). Especially cool to see that among the biggest PR blogs in the world, this blog is ranked #8 on Google Page Rank, #12 on number of incoming links, #13 on most indexed pages in Google, #18 on StumbleUpon reviews, #19 on Delicious bookmarks and #23 on Alexa site rank (that was a real surprise).

The list of social media blogs include such well-known blogs as ProBlogger, Mashable, ReadWriteWeb and Scobleizer, so I’m quite happy to be included at all.

Hat tip to Chris Abraham (#18 in PR).

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BlogSweden 4 – a survey of more than 1,000 bloggers

Here is the translation of the results from my fourth annual blog survey, BlogSweden 4, possibly the longest running annual blog survey in the world.

A total of 1,500 blog readers responded to an online survey in February 2009. Out of these respondents, 1,065 had at least one blog and the results of their responses are included in this presentation. According to the survey, young women continue to dominate the Swedish blogosphere.

The typical Swedish blogger in the survey is:
• female
• 16 – 20 years old
• reads 6 – 10 blogs daily
• spends 6 – 10 hours per week reading blogs
• often read blogs in the evening (6PM to 12 PM)
• likes to read blogs about everyday life experiences
• reads blogs to be entertained
• has clicked on an ad on a blog
• is a member of one or more social networks in order to stay in touch with friends
• has during the last 12 months shared a negative AND a positive experience online about a company, product or service
• does not publish on a mirco blog
• does not think that social media such as blogs, micro blogs and social networks will influence what party she will vote for in the next election
• blogs because she likes to write
• updates her blog every day
• does not mind being contacted by businesses in her role as a blogger
• is not anonymous
• does not have ads

BlogSweden 4

View more presentations from Hans Kullin.

The most popular topics continue to be everyday life experiences and fashion & design. Many respondents also say they mostly read friends blogs.

Female bloggers read:
• Fashion and design 60.0%
• Every day life experiences 58.2%
• Phot and art 48.6%

Male bloggers read:
• IT and blogging 63.7%
• Journalism and media 56.8%
• Politics and society 50.0%

More graphs and links will be added shortly. Previous reports can be found in the right sidebar.

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BloggSverige 4: Kvinnor fortsätter dominera bland svenska bloggare

Unga kvinnor med intresse för modebloggar och vardagsbetraktelser dominerar fortfarande den svenska bloggosfären. Det indikerar den fjärde årliga undersökningen av svenska bloggare och bloggläsare – BloggSverige 4. Mellan den 8 och 9 februari 2009 svarade totalt 1.500 personer på en online-enkät och av dem hade 1.065 en egen blogg. Här redovisas svaren från dessa drygt tusen svenska bloggare.

Den typiska svenska bloggaren i enkäten är:

– kvinna
– 16-20 år gammal
– läser 6-10 bloggar dagligen
– spenderar 6-10 timma per vecka med att läsa bloggar
– läser oftast bloggar på kvällstid (ca 18-24)
– läser helst bloggar om vardagsbetraktelser
– läser bloggar för att bli underhållen
– har någon gång klickat på en annons på en blogg
– är medlem i ett socialt nätverk för att hålla kontakt med vänner
– har de senaste 12 månaderna delat med sig av både en negativ och en positiv upplevelse av ett företag, produkt eller tjänst
– skriver inte på en mikroblogg
– tror inte att sociala medier som bloggar, mikrobloggar och sociala nätverk kommer att ha betydelse för vilket parti hon röstar på i nästa val
– bloggar för att hon gillar att skriva
– uppdaterar sin blogg varje dag
– har inget emot att bli kontaktad av företag i sin egenskap av bloggare
– är inte anonym
– har inte egna annonser på sin blogg

Några skillnader mot enkäten 2008 när det gäller den typiska bloggaren:
– läser fler bloggar
– spenderar mer tid med att läsa bloggar
– fler har någon gång klickat på en annons på en blogg
– har blivit än mer positivt inställd till att bli kontaktad av företag

Klicka nedan för att se svaren från enkäten.

När det gäller företag och sociala medier så kan man något förenklat säga att fram till för några år sedan var medielandskapet fortfarande format så att kommunikation oftast gick från företag eller organisationer till mottagarna, dvs konsumenter. Återkoppling från mottagaren var begränsad. Med framväxten av sociala medier har konsumenter fått en egen publiceringsplattform där de kan uttrycka åsikter om varumärken och dela information om produkter med andra. Men svaren i denna enkät speglar inte en dialog mellan företag och konsumenter, snarare en situation där två sändare pratar förbi varandra. När bloggare publicerar negativa åsikter om produkter eller tjänster får de sällan något svar från företagen. Den konkreta dialogen sker istället mellan konsumenter. Vad företag bör göra är att i högre grad skaffa sig en policy för när och hur de ska etablera direkt kontakt med konsumenter.


Även fortsättningsvis är det stor skillnad på vad kvinnor och män helst läser för typ av bloggar.

Kvinnliga bloggare läser helst om:
– Mode och design 60,0%
– Vardagsbetraktelser 58,2%
– Foto och konst 48,6%

Manliga bloggare läser helst om:
– IT och bloggande 63,7%
– Journalistik och media 56,8%
– Politik och samhälle 50,0%

Hela undersökningen finns nedan. Presentationen läses med fördel i fullskärmsläge.

BloggSverige 4

View more presentations from Hans Kullin.

Om undersökningen
Urvalet av respondenter har skett via så kallat bekvämlighetsurval genom word-of-mouth bland bloggar. Det innebär att resultaten i enkäten endast med säkerhet är representativt för respondenterna och inte med nödvändighet för alla svenska bloggare och bloggläsare. Därav följer också att jämförelser med BloggSverige 1, 2 och 3 inte går att göra med statistisk säkerhet. BloggSverige 1 genomfördes i maj 2005, BloggSverige 2 i juli 2006 och BloggSverige 3 i januari 2008.

Om mig
Arbetar som PR-konsult och nordiskt ansvarig för digital PR på Burson-Marsteller. Har bloggat på Media Culpa sedan februari 2004 och bloggen rankas av den amerikanska tidningen Advertising Age som en av världens 150 mest inflytelserika bloggar inom media och marknadsföring.
Mobil: 070-291 78 22, E-post:
Twitter: , Jaiku:
Bloggy: , SlideShare:

BloggSverige 3 kan läsas här.

PS. Om ni bloggar om enkäten, tagga gärna inläggen med eller #bs4 på Twitter.

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Blog network Feber launches new design

feber Feber is one of the largest blog networks in Sweden, which includes sites such as gadget blog Prylfeber, fashion blog Modefeber and Mac blog Macfeber. Feber has just implemented a totally new and cool redesign of all the blogs and if you are tired of seeing my little red icon everywhere you can check out Feber to see what I really look like. I am interviewed about the recent surge in Twitter users in Sweden along with Joakim Jardenberg and Fredrik Wass.

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Old data in new study on Swedes and blogs

SOM-institutet, the SOM Institute at Göteborg University, has released the results of a study about blogging – “Bloggers – who are they?”. In my view, the researcher Annika Bergström has had a somewhat skeptic attitude towards the role of blogs in previous comments. In an interview in Dagens Nyheter in 2006 she said about our media consumption that “there are changes, but they are slow, there will be no revolution”. She also commented to that the differences in blog adoption between Sweden and the USA is due to strong Swedish tradition to read newspapers.

– Swedes turn to traditional dailies online for information. And we don’t get more time just because new media appear.

A year ago she said that “not many people read blogs, and the ones that do are often the ones that blog themselves”.

This skepticism is visible also in the “new” study. I write “new”, because the data was collected during the fall of 2007. In the report, Bergström writes:

“The survey was conducted during the fall of 2007 and it is likely that the use of blogs have increased slightly since then, but if we look at what we know from the development of other areas of online behavior we should expect only small changes.”

The study says that only 2 percent of Swedes wrote a blog each week and that 15 percent read a blog weekly. Good for us then that the World Internet Institute the other day released it’s fresh report about how Swedes use the internet, so we have figures for 2008 to compare with.

WII says that 5 percent of the population blog and 26 percent read blogs, which according to me is more than just a “small change”.

When respondents in the SOM survey were asked if they had read a blog during the last 12 months, 39 percent said yes. Still the final comment in the report reads:

“The previously mentioned debate about the importance of blogs, is to a high degree about what a small portion of the population engage in. With that said, there is nothing that says that single blogs can have a larger influence in society.”

This old data seems to appeal to TU, the Swedish Newspaper Publishers’ Association. On its site TU comments on the “latest figures” on blogging like this:

“Nowadays it seems like everyone is blogging. But it is not entirely true. Two percent of Swedes blog each week. And 15 percent reads what they write. The so called blogosphere is, in other words, smaller than the impression we get from the media attention.”

Stats from WII suggests that 1.9 million Swedes read blogs so I think it is safe to say that blogs are starting to reach a significant portion of the population. In my view, this study is based on data that is too old to really have any real value, and it doesn’t do newspapers any good to take these figures as a sign that blogs and other online channels are no big threat to them.

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