Top Swedish Facebook pages in May 2014


I have received a sneak preview of the latest results from Socialbakers, regarding the results of the top brand Facebook pages in Sweden for May 2014. It also includes statistics for Youtube and Twitter channels. The Swedish beer brand Norrlands Guld has the page with the highest average post engagement rate.

Coop posted two of the three most popular posts in May
I am also happy to see that a campaign I have been working on at my job for Coop has two of the three most popular post on Facebook last month. The campaign called #ekolöftet challenged the 8 parties of the Swedish Parliament to reveal how they intend to support the growth of organic farming in Sweden. More on that in Swedish here:

This report will be published later today by Socialbakers.



Image credit: Flickr mkhmarketing


25 maps that show how Sweden is unique

Sweden is a neutral country, a fact that has helped keep us out of war for 200 years. We like to think of ourselves as quite moderate people. We even have our own unique word, “lagom“, which means not too much and not too little, rather “just enough”. But we might not be just as average as we would like to think. In many aspects, Sweden is the most progressive and extreme country in the world.

Here are 25 maps that show Sweden being ranked number one or in the very top on various facts. Click on the maps for larger versions.

1. Milk consumption per capita


Via Foodbeast

2. Global AgeWatch Index 2013


Via GlobalAgeWatch

3. Equal distribution of income – Gini coefficient

gini map large

Via the Atlantic

4. Gender Inequality Index


Via the Atlantic Cities

5. Social Progress Index



6. Number of researchers per million inhabitants



7. Coffee consumption per capita



8. Failed States Index 2013



9. BCG Global Innovation Index 2013


Sweden ranked #2. Via Wikipedia

10. One of only 22 countries Britain has not invaded


Via the Telegraph

11. Average age at first sex



12. Heavy metal bands per 100,000 inhabitants



13. Percentage of 15-year-olds who discuss political or social issues with their parents several times per week (Sweden among lowest)



14. Least religious countries



15. Government information transparency


Via Washington Post

16. Global Competitiveness Index



17. Forest area in percent of land area


Via World Bank

18. Corruption index



19. Percentage of Women in National Parliaments



20. World Press Freedom Index



21. The best countries to be a mother



22. Map of world happiness



23. Global Cleantech Index



24. Research and development expenditure as percent of GDP


Via World Bank

25. Fixed broadband internet subscribers per 100 people


Via World Bank

And finally a bonus chart. The result of the World Values Survey shows that Sweden is quite alone in the upper right hand corner. The graph below ranks countries on factors such as self expression values vs survival values and secular-rational values vs traditional values.


Via World Values Survey


Footnote: Inspired by 40 Maps That Will Help You Make Sense of the World. This is a translated version of my post that was first published in Swedish on my blog “Sociala Medier“.

Sweden is the 4th most socially devoted country on Facebook

Socialbakers have introduced a concept called “socially devoted“, aiming to describe brands and pages on Facebook that excel in fan engagement and social customer care. That same label has now been applied on a country basis to see what countries are the most socially devoted. It turns out that Guatemala is ranked first in Q1, 2013, with an average Response Rate of 93.54% for local brand pages.

Norway is ranked second, followed by the Netherlands and Sweden in fourth place. The complete Top 25 country rankings, based on percentage of answered questions, can be found below:


Top Facebook pages in Sweden – February 2013

Socialbakers have just released statistics for the top Facebook pages in Sweden for February 2013. Some notes about the report:

– One of the top ten brands is actually seeing a decreasing number of fans: the candy Hallonlakritsskalle. It has seen a steady but slow decline for the last six months.


– Just like in January 2013, three out of five top brands by post engagement rates are car brands.

– Four out of the five most socially devoted brands are telecom brands, compared to three last month.

– The #1 media brand by local fans, Vakna! Med The Voice, has lost more than 1,000 fans since the last report in January.

– The number of Swedes on Facebook is down from 4.9 million in January to 4.8 million (monthly active users).

top facebook pages sweden feb 2013

Celebrating 9 years of blogging

Box nine.

I started blogging nine years ago and the first public post that remained online is from February 17, 2004.

Back then we didn’t have Twitter or Facebook or Instagram, so it has become increasingly hard to find the time to post longer texts. I still enjoy blogging as much as I used to and I wish I could blog more. I now have two blogs, the second one is about social media and is in Swedish.

The post during the last 12 months with most views was the one titled “Fake photo of hurricane Sandy goes viral on Facebook” with close to 8,000 views to date. Also worth noting is that a blog post from January 2009 about chosing Twitter handle, still attracts so many views that it was one of the top ten posts of the last year.

Other than that, posts about Instagram and Cinemagram are among the topics that are most viewed on this blog.

With that said, I am starting the countdown to the next anniversary which will mean a full decade of blogging. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more.

Image by gak on Flickr.

Top Facebook pages in Sweden – December 2012

Socialbakers just released new statistics for top Facebook pages in Sweden, in December 2012.

An interesting change from previous reports is that now local fans from global pages are included. That means for example that Coca-Cola, Ben & Jerry’s  and Converse now all are in the top ten based on number of fans.

facebook pages sweden dec 2012