All PR bloggers are above average

I now and then take a peek at PubSub’s list of PR bloggers to check my ranking, and today it’s good news all over. All bloggers on the list are moving upwards, except for the ones in the top that are “non-movers”. No-one is down. It makes me think of the quote by Garrison Keillor: “Welcome to Lake Wobegon, where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average.”

Enfant terrible of the PR industry

Amanda Chapel’s Strumpette (the Gawker of PR?) is a brand new addition to the PR blogosphere and by the looks of the first post, is sure to stir up a bus load of controversy. And maybe this is just what the cozy family of PR bloggers needed, a storm in a B-cup, sorry, tea cup. Steve Rubel takes a beating in the first post here.

However, infOpinions senses there’s something fishy about the site.

“We all know that Strumpette is more likely to be a fat, fifty-ish, fool of a guy with a gut the size of his ego than some cute PR bunny.”

We’ll see about that. Let’s just say that anyone that registers a domain through Domains by Proxy isn’t exactly starting off with a bag full of trust.

2006 a promising year for Swedish PR

It seems like 2006 might become a very good year for the Swedish public relations industry, according to a survey by the PR association Precis. 57 percent of its companies say that order levels are better today than last quarter and 68 percent expect next quarter to be better than the current.

Nearly 80 percent of the PR agencies expect to have increased the number of employees the next quarter. Marketing communications and media relations are the two disciplines that have been increasing in demand the most from last quarter and the industries with the highest increase in demand are IT/tech, health/pharma and food.

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Promoting blog posts with press releases

This is a new and innovative (or weird, if you wish) way of using blogs in PR. Almega, an organisation that supports service companies in Sweden, has its own blog and Almega today issued a press release to promote a blog post. Sounds like the blog isn’t the right channel for this message if you need to support it with a press release, but then again, it made me go and read it…