Metro abandons Swedish correction style

Metro, the largest daily in the world outside Japan according to themselves, have decided to launch a daily correction column. Corrections in Swedish papers are normally few and not in a fixed column, rather they are published where the original article was published. This is often explained with a worry about the paper’s credibility if corrections were given too much space. The tradition in the US and UK is quite the opposite and Metro in Sweden now welcome feedback from readers so that mistakes can be corrected in “Dagens fel” (“Today’s errors”).

Editor-in-chief, Sakari Pitkänen about the previous practice:

“It is an oldfashioned way of reasoning. It was probably ok before the internet. Today the correct information is spread on blogs, mailing lists and media watchdogs on the web. There is a risk that the reader might find the correction to a mistake everywhere but in the paper that published it. That would really undermine the credibility of the paper.”

Revolutions on the net happen at the edges

“There’s a revolution already underway, but it’s one that’s easy to miss. It’s quiet. Revolutions on the net happen at the edges, not at the center.”

It’s a line from the report We Media – How audiences are shaping the future of news and information and I believe it is symptomatic for the current discussion, or lack of, in Sweden regarding the future of journalism. While media are studying the center, debating the pros and cons of j-blogs, the real change happens somewhere else.

There has been an intense debate the last weeks among Swedish journalists about the value of blogging, in particular the need for journalist blogs. Johan Croneman at Dagens Nyheter got the ball rolling with a post titled “Blogs have become the trash can for the middle class”. He wrote that this new medium is mostly occupied by people who already have a platform for opinion building, like journalists.

Men vilka är det nu som ockuperar och kommersialiserar den här ytan också? Jo, chef- och nöjesredaktörer, journalister och krönikörer som redan har plats i stora, etablerade, bredkäftade medier, med spaltkilometer till sitt förfogande.

His point seems to be that the only texts these columnist are able to publish on their blogs are the trash that does not fit in the regular paper, the unsorted rambling thoughts about diapers, daughters and daily life. Unsorted, without any reflections, just published from the top of your head.

Den nyfrälsta medieklassens blogg betyder att man inte längre behöver tänka något nytt, inget alls faktiskt, inga eftertankar, inga reflektioner, man tänker bara lite högt med varandra, pratar tankspritt för sig själv.

This article sparked a lively debate among journalist bloggers and bloggers in general. Viggo Cavling at Resumé, Linna Johansson at Expressen, Fredrik Virtanen and Helle Klein at Aftonbladet are just a few examples. And although I encourage media to start blogging, I don’t believe that these blogs are the perfect examples of the future of journalism.

What fascinates me, and some other bloggers, is the fact that the debate among these journalists primarily covers the thoughts of, that’s right, other journalists. They leave out the rest of blogosphere which is quite revealing as to who they think should be allowed to shape the debate. My response to this is, you’re up for an unpleasant surprise. Media consumers today are not only listening to journalists anymore. We have other sources of opinion and information, like non-journalist bloggers. Your gatekeeper role is changing for good. To quote Shayne Bowman and Chris Willis: “Media futurists have predicted that by 2021, “citizens will produce 50 percent of the news peer-to-peer.” However, mainstream news media have yet to meaningfully adopt or experiment with these new forms.”

OK, there has been an incredible hype the last months about blogs, but while Swedish journalists are experimenting with personal blogs the debate about the future of journalism in the US seems to be on a completely different level. I haven’t read many articles in Swedish media about for example participatory journalism. Sure, there is a Swedish site called Sourze where readers can publish articles but it costs them 100 SEK to do so and I think the web site has had a minor impact on the market.

Swedish media must start discussing on a higher level how blogs, wikis and other personal media affect their core business and how media can include citizens in the journalistic process. From my survey of Swedish blog readers I found that half of all blog readers spend more time reading blogs per week than Swedes in general spend on the daily newspaper. What does that mean? Well, today the number of media consumers in Sweden that consume blogs on a regular basis is just a few per cent of the total population. But what happens to our media consumption when a third of all media consumers spend time reading blogs? When half of them do? When they all do? Are media prepared to deal with a situation where their readers spend more time on blogs than on newspapers? I don’t think so, and although we have seen a growing interest from the management of leading media corporations, there is very little open debate regarding the future of journalism. I might be wrong in this assumption, so please prove me wrong.

Dale Peskin, Co-Director of The Media Center asks in the introduction to We Media (pdf 3.1 MB): How does the world look when news and information are part of a shared experience? My advice would be to at least start reading this report.

Another example of how hard it is for media to accept that their exclusive role as gatekeeper is a thing of the past is this article in Nerikes Allehanda a few days ago: “Bloggfebern grasserar – då kommer sanningen i kläm” (something like “Blog fever hurts the truth”).

Det allra värsta är dock den betydelse och värde man tillmäter bloggen. Som om den var sanningen därför att den antas ligga nära den “sanna” privata personen som skriver den. Medialt är det ett mycket större och allvarligare problem eftersom det i förlängningen egentligen hotar medias hela trovärdighet. […]

Ju större blogg-fenomenet blir och ju mer det tillmäts vikt, desto mer undergrävs den traditionella nyhetsförmedlingen. […]

Det är inte oviktigt vem som anser sig ha rätten att definiera vår världsbild. Alldeles för många tror sig kunna skaffa en egen på nåtet. Men det kräver mycket av brukaren i form av breda kunskaper – något de flesta tyvärr saknar. Istället stirrar vi alla in i ett färggrannt kalejdoskop vars uttydbarhet inte bara är begränsande, det förvränger och ger olika svar varje gång vi skådar in i det.

These three quotes all point in the direction that blogs are a threat to the truth, because only journalists can sort of what is true and not in society. I think that is a dangerous assumption and it’s insulting to conclude that readers do not have the ability to sort out good information from bad.

Why do journalists have the exclusive talent to interpret and filter events in society? Is it due to a couple of years at j-school, or due to the journalistic process. Peer-reviewing? If that is the case, then how come only 36% of respondents in a US poll in 2003 believe the news media generally “get the facts straight”? Or why do only 31% of Swedes have high or relatively high confidence in journalists at daily newspapers (trailing behind 15 other professions like doctors (81%) and policemen (65%)?

Of course there are other ways for media consumers to become well informed than relying exclusively on journalists. In the new era of journalism, media consumers will be used to another type of publishing of news, something like the bottom-up news model below.

The article in Nerikes Allehanda illustrates a medium stuck in an old publishing model where blogs are merely seen as chaotic biased rants that only confuse readers and threaten “real media” with its lies. But what if the new journalism where readers participate in the journalistic proc
ess, is also able to filter out good from bad, truth from lies, but it is done in the opposite way? Maybe each citizen isn’t smart enough to filter the information on the net by himself, but the network is.

This quote (in We Media) from Clay Shirky, an adjunct professor at New York University, gives us an idea of what we might expect from future publishing models:

“The order of things in broadcast is ‘filter, then publish’. The order in communities is ‘publish, then filter’. If you go to a dinner party, you don’t submit your potential comments to the hosts, so that they can tell you which ones are good enough to air before the group, but this is how broadcast works everyday. Writers submit their stories in advance, to be edited or rejected before the public ever sees them. Participants in a community, by contrast, say what they have to say, and the good is sorted from the mediocre after the fact.”

My point is that Swedish media should invite readers to participate even more in the news making process. We all know that media have limited resources to do investigative journalism. So what will happen when media start to use the power of ordinary citizens, networked via blogs and other online tools? You cannot quote Dan Gillmor often enough when he says “my readers know more than I do”. Use that resource creatively. And those media strategists that are only looking for the future of journalism in the center might find themselves outsmarted – by the edges of the net.

172 Nordic media RSS feeds

My list of RSS feeds for Nordic media is growing and it clearly illustrates that RSS is not only for bloggers, big media are adopting it too. The list now has 172 feeds: 69 Swedish, 43 Norwegian, 36 Danish, 23 Finnish and 1 Icelandic. Included below are also some RSS feeds for Nordic press releases.

UPDATED with 22 feeds from Finnish YLE.

UPDATE 2: Added 7 new feeds for Danish radio and one for Västerbottens-Kuriren, a Swedish daily. Added the feed for Iceland’s Morgunbladid which somehow got lost in the editing yesterday.

UPDATE 3: Replaced a broken link for Danish Association of Press Photographers with 9 correct feeds. I included them although they are not a medium, but still very much media related.

Sweden: – Kurdish news

Computer Sweden (IDG) – Latest news

Dagens Nyheter – Top headlines

Dagens Nyheter – News

Dagens Nyheter – Business

Dagens Nyheter – Sports

Dagens Nyheter – Football

Expressen – News

Expressen – Sports

Expressen – Entertainment

Hockeymagasinet – Latest news

IDG Eforum – Latest posts in forum

IDG Test centre – Latest tests

Internetworld (IDG)

MacWorld (IDG)

MikroDatorn (IDG)

Motornyheter FART – Cars and motor sports

Motornyheter FART – Cars

Motornyheter FART – Motor sports

Ny Teknik Technology trade publication

SR – Swedish Radio, news:

SR Ekot – News

SR Ekonomiekot – Economy

SR Kulturnytt – Culture

SR Mitt i musiken – Music

SR Musikjournalen – Music

SR Radiosporten – Sport

SR Sisuradio – Finnish

SR Vetenskapsnytt – Science

SR – Swedish Radio, local news:

SR Blekinge

SR Dalarna

SR Gävleborg

SR Göteborg

SR Gotland

SR Halland

SR Jämtland

SR Jönköping

SR Kalmar

SR Kristianstad

SR Kronoberg

SR Malmö

SR Norrbotten

Radio Stockholm

SR Sjuhärad

SR Skaraborg

SR Sörmland

SR Uppland

SR Värmland

SR Väst

SR Västerbotten

SR Västernorrland

SR Västmanland

SR Örebro

SR Östergötland

Stockholms Fria Tidning – Opinion

Stockholms Fria Tidning – “Inledare”

Stockholms Fria Tidning – Sweden

Stockholms Fria Tidning – Culture

Stockholms Fria Tidning – Reports

Stockholms Fria Tidning – Sports

Stockholms Fria Tidning – Stockholm

Stockholms Fria Tidning – “Synpunkten”

Stockholms Fria Tidning – Foreign

Svenska Dagbladet Daily

Sydvenska Dagbladet Daily

Västerbottens-Kuriren Daily “Radical digital news”


Aftenbladet – News

Aftenbladet – Local

Aftenbladet – Norwegian

Aftenbladet – Abroad

Aftenbladet – Business

Aftenbladet – Politcs

Aftenbladet – Monitor

Aftenbladet – Commentary

Aftenbladet – Editorial

Aftenbladet – Sports

Aftenbladet – Culture

Aftenbladet – Magazine



Aftenposten – Norwegian

Aftenposten – Foreign

Aftenposten – Oslo

Aftenposten – Science

Aftenposten – Business

Aftenposten – Sports

Aftenposten – Elite Serie

Aftenposten – Premier League

Aftenposten – In English


Dagbladet – Nyheter

Dagbladet – Sports

Dagbladet – Culture

Dagbladet – Friday

Dagbladet – Knowledge

Dagbladet – On your side


VG – Main

VG – Sport

VG – Entertainment



Alt om København


Børsen online




DR – News

DR – General news

DR – Domestic news

DR – International news

DR – Economy

DR – Politics


DR – Sports

Geek Culture

Netavisen Infopaq




Pressefotografforbundet – General

Pressefotografforbundet – Tech

Pressefotografforbundet – Trade related (password)

Pressefotografforbundet – All news (password)

Pressefotografforbundet – Opinion general

Pressefotografforbundet – Opinion tech

Pressefotografforbundet – Opinion trade (password)

Pressefotografforbundet – Ads

Sportenkort (10 latest)

TV2 Finans

Århus Stiftstidende Netavis


Helsingin Sanomat Daily, 5 latest headlines

YLE: Päivän ohjelmapoiminnat

YLE: Päivän urheilu

YLE: Päivän elokuvat

YLE: Etelä-Karjala

YLE: Etelä-Savo

YLE: Häme

YLE: Itä-Uusimaa

YLE: Kainuu

YLE: Keski-Pohjanmaa

YLE: Keski-Suomi

YLE: Kymenlaakso

YLE: Länsi-Uusimaa

YLE: Pirkanmaa

YLE: Pohjanmaa

YLE: Pohjois-Karjala

YLE: Pohjois-Savo

YLE: Päijät-Häme

YLE: Pääkaupunkiseutu

YLE: Satakunta

YLE: Varsinais-Suomi

YLE Radio Suomi: Asia

YLE Radio Suomi: Urheilu



Press releases (Sweden):


Karolinska Institutet – News

Karolinska Institutet – Press releases


Swedish Research News Blog

SvD editorial blog a sandbox for free market think-tank Timbro

Svenska Dagbladet’s editorial blog PJ Just Nu, is turning out to be a sandbox for liberal think-tank Timbro. Yesterday I mentioned the Timbro connections between PJ Anders Linder and the first three blogs he recommends. In today’s paper Svenska Dagbladet comments on yesterday’s succesful blog launch and quotes two people. Who? Timbro thinkers Dick Erixon and Johan Norberg of course.

On the blog today Linder “debunks” Morgan Spurlocks film Supersize me and gets support from Waldemar Ingdahl, president of Swedish think-tank Eudoxa. Ingdahl who by coincidence also has published a book at Timbro.

Both Eudoxa and Timbro are part of International Policy Network. IPN’s main mission is to “support and help establish international, rightwing thinktanks, to organise conferences and campaigns, and to write articles promoting its agenda.”

Also, read this review of Eudoxa’s political connections by Michael H. Chung, Senior Fellow at Division of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, University of Washington.

Nordic media blog coverage slow in June

Nordic media wrote most articles about blogs in January (76) and March (78), about twice the amount of the other months. June had the lowest number of articles so far this year (31).

Disclaimer: search is for articles in the respective language which means that articles in Swedish published by Finnish papers (like Hufvudstadsbladet) is counted in the stats for Sweden.