BloggSverige 4 – ny bloggundersökning

[In Swedish only]

Uppdaterad: Enkäten är nu stängd. 1500 personer har svarat på enkäten.

I maj 2005 genomförde jag den första stora svenska undersökningen av bloggare och bloggläsare, BloggSverige 1.0. Den följdes av en ny enkät 2006 och en i januari 2008 (rapporterna finns för nedladdning i högermarginalen på denna blogg). Nu är det dags för den fjärde enkäten om bloggar och sociala medier.

Därför skulle jag vilja be så många som möjligt att:

1) fylla i enkäten genom att klicka på följande länk:
Klicka här för att fylla i enkäten.

2) om du har en egen blogg, lägga upp en text på din blogg i stil med följande:
Bloggen Media Culpa genomför sin fjärde årliga undersökning av svenska bloggare och bloggläsare. Svara på enkäten genom att klicka på länken och uppmana gärna fler att delta:

Enkäten tar bara ett par minuter och är helt anonym. Resultaten presenteras här inom kort. Är du inte redan prenumerant på Media Culpa så passa på att lägga till mitt RSS-flöde till dina prenumerationer, så att du inte missar när resultaten publiceras.

Lägg gärna till etiketten till eventuella blogginlägg som rör enkäten.

Tack på förhand.

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Aftonbladet accidentally reveals winner of blog award

The Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet and the blog portal are hosting the “Stora Bloggpriset” gala event tonight in Stockholm (“the Grand Blog Award”). A series of awards were handed out to the most popular blogs in categories like fashion, politics and technology. Many prominent Swedish bloggers were present at Nalen tonight to find out who won the different awards. But one winner had already been known during the day when Aftonbladet accidentally published the winner in the sports category at lunch time. The story that Marcus Birro won the award showed up in Google News and in RSS readers several hours before the event even started.

Screendump found here.

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WordPress has suspended Dagens Media’s new blog

Digmar, the new blog about digital marketing by the Swedish magazine Dagens Media has been closed down by WordPress for violation of terms of service. This message is what greets visitors to Digmar at the moment.


In a comment to my post last week, Ola Eriksson at Dagens Media writes that the blog was closed after a post about advertising on Facebook.

“I suspect that I made an incorrect link and created a link with and advertising ID in it by mistake. I guess that this is what WordPress doesn’t like. I am working hard to get the blog back up again.”

We hope that the blog comes back up soon, especially since it is also nominated to the YABA awards, just like Media Culpa.

Update: The blog was down for four hours, but is now up again.

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Vote for Media Culpa as Best Swedish Media Blog

The good people over at Daytona have come up with a new blog award for blogs about PR, advertising, media and internet. The award is aptly called YABA – Yet Another Blog Award. And since this blog has been nominated to Best Swedish Media Blog, today I kindly ask for your support.

Please go to this page and under the “media” section, Media Culpa is listed as one of ten blogs to vote for. Cast your vote and add your email address for verification. You will get an email with a link. Click, verify, done.

The competition in the media category is really stiff, with several other brilliant blogs. I would be ever so grateful for your help.

UPDATE: Now there is a yellow widget in the right sidebar of this blog. Just click on the button to vote.

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Fired blogger gets 32 months salary plus damages

A man that has been employed at the Swedish Migration Board since the 1980s has been fired for running a outspoken blog about the conflict between Israel and Palestine. The pro-Israeli blog was started by Lennart Eriksson in 2003 and didn’t initially cause much trouble for the blogger, other than that his boss at the time required that he removed a link to the Migration Board from the blog.

But when Eriksson got a new boss in 2007, things changed. The new boss didn’t think that his one-sided support for Israel was compatible with his position as head of a group that handles asylum applications (since the conflict was creating many asylum seekers). So Eriksson was transferred to a lower position, which the District Court of Mölndal later decided equates to a termination of employment. The Court also stated that the grounds for this termination were illegal and that Eriksson had the right to get his old job back.

But the Migration Board refused to accept the verdict of the court and used a paragraph in the law for the protection of employment, which states that the employer can choose to terminate an employment but instead have to pay damages. This meant that the Migration Board had to pay Eriksson’s salary for 32 months plus damages, which totalled 1.3 million SEK, or 165,000 USD.

Some bloggers are now calling this a threat against the freedom of speech in Sweden, but I’m not entirely sure that’s the right conclusion. In fact, the District Court already stated that the transfer of Eriksson to a lower position was illegal, based on the grounds stated in the case. In other words, it was wrong for the Migration Board to relocate Eriksson for the views he expressed in his blog. So the protection of freedom of speech stands firm in my view. The open question is whether an employer should have the right to “buy its way” out of a conflict with an employee or not, especially when it comes to reasons such as political views. I don’t have a clear answer to that question.

The Migration Board clearly comes out as the bad guy here, no matter what you think of the case. This is classic big vs small, but since it involves an outspoken blogger it is more like big vs small on steroids. Eriksson is already coming out as some sort of martyr on the blog/news site Newsmill and will probably have a lot of support from the blogosphere. My guess is that the Migration Board will be fairly silent and hope this thing blows over, but a more proactive strategy could be worth considering.

A good post in Swedish about the matter can be found at MinaModerataKarameller.

Another intersting story broke yesterday about a guy who went to a chiropractor but was dissatisfied and wrote a negative review online. He might now be facing a lawsuit. More on that story here.

Footnote: The blog can be found at (that’s right, no link love from me).

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Lothar Matthäus and the gallery of wives

Slightly silly and somewhat off topic, but still. Back in 2005 I blogged about the personal website of German football legend Lothar Matthäus. Back then, his website included a wide range of information, for example a gallery of current and previous wives/girlfriends. What caught my eye that time was that the layout of the gallery was a bit unfortunate, almost implying there’s room for one more wife.

Now it seems that my prediction wasn’t all that bad, because Lothar has tied the knot a fourth time (not with any of the women in the gallery above). Congratulations to the happy couple. This time the Lothar und die Liebe gallery just contains the current wife, Liliana. Maybe this time until death them do part?

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