Top 20 countries on Twitter

Twitter doesn’t disclose how many members it has, so it has been hard to determine how many people that use Twitter in Sweden. I tried to calculate a number in June 2009 using a survey by Sysomos that showed that 0.54% of the accounts were from Sweden. My estimate landed at 75,000 Swedes on Twitter.

Now, Sysomos have now published a new report, in which they have studied 13 million unique Twitter accounts that demonstrated tweeting activity within the period from Oct. 16, 2009 to Dec. 16, 2009. The US is still by far the largest country, but it’s dominance has decreased as the service has expanded more rapidly outside the US, with a very fast growth in for example Brazil (the US dropped from 62.1% share in June to 50.9% now.

Sweden is still in the top 20 chart but has slipped one spot from 18 to 19 and the share has decreased from 0.54% to 0.50%.


Sysomos also looked at the number of tweets by country, and in that chart, Sweden is not among the top 20 countries.

So how many Swedish Twitter accounts are there then? Hard to tell, but according to Twitter COO Dick Costolo, the micro blogging service had more than 58 million global users in November 2009. Here is a quote from a chat with Michael Arrington of TechCrunch.

MA: What about user accounts?

DC: Yeah I won’t say that, but 58 million undercounts it.

So, taking these to figures into account, there should be somewhere in the range of 290,000 Swedish accounts, which sound like a lot. If the statistics from Sysomos are correct, they have at least found 65,000 Swedish accounts (0.50% of 13 million active). What springs to my mind is that considering the extreme growth for Twitter, it might not be long before more Swedes are tweeting than blogging. By the end of 2010, that might actually be a reality.

Footnote: I’m @kullin on Twitter.

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75,000 Twitter users in Sweden

The social media analytics company Sysomos has released an in-depth report (pdf) about Twitter users – “Inside Twitter, An In-Depth Look Inside the Twitter World”. According to the report, about 0.54 percent of all members on Twitter are Swedish. With an estimated 14 million members (as of April 2009), that would mean that there are at least 75,000 Swedes on Twitter. That makes Sweden the 15th most active country on Twitter. The exact number is of course hard to determine, but for the first time we at least have a ball park figure to relate to. I think that the number is pretty accurate, given how respondents answered my fourth annual Swedish blog survey earlier this year.


But as the report says, a large percentage of the members on Twitter are not very active.
– 50.4% of Twitter users haven’t updated their status in the last seven days.
– 21% of users have never posted a Tweet
– 5% of users account for 75% of all activity, 10% account for 86% of
activity, and the top 30% account for 97.4%

Other interesting findings in the report are for example that “of people who identify themselves as PR professionals, 65.5% have never posted an update”. If that is correct, that is quite astonishing numbers. PR pros are lurkers on Twitter.

Go check the report, it is quite intersting reading.

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