Bloggers Influence Women to Purchase Beauty Products

BlogHer Inc. and DeVries Public Relations have conducted a survey which shows that bloggers are very influential resources for women who purchase beauty and personal care products. On the question “which resource is most helpful to provide beauty product advice and recommendations”, the most common response was “familiar blogger”, 61%, followed by “store website”, 46% and “social network”, 33%.

Half of the respondents say they even purchased a cosmetics product based on a recommendation from a blogger who write about topics other than beauty. Blogs are also 2.5 times more likely to drive beauty product purchases than magazines, according to the survey.

See the full presentation below. Respondents in the survey were 1,074 women, out of which 76.4% read and write blogs.

For similar statistics on blogger influence, please see my Swedish annual blog survey, BlogSweden 5 below.

Update: BlogHer moved the presentation, but the new version has been added here.

Swedish band jj among the most blogged artists this week

The Swedish band jj are the second most blogged artists this week, according to The Hype Machine, which tracks artists on more than 1,000 music blogs. Sweden’s Robyn is moving up two spots to #4.

Most blogged artists on November 21 at 10 am GMT:

  1. Girl Talk (no change)
  2. jj (no change)
  3. Bikini (+3)
  4. Robyn (+2)
  5. Gorillaz (re-entry)
  6. Chromeo (re-entry)
  7. Patrick Wolf (new)
  8. The Morning Benders (re-entry)
  9. Jay Electronica (new)
  10. Jay-Z (new)

Listen to jj’s new single Let Them on The Hype Machine.

Source: The Independent.

BlogSweden 5 – the fifth annual Swedish blog survey

Here is a summary of the fifth annual Swedish blog survey – BlogSweden 5. It is probably the longest running annual blog survey in the world and this year a total of 2,251 blog readers answered the survey in April 2010. Of the respondents, 94% had at least one blog.

Graphs that are free to use (with CC-license) can also be found in this Flickr set.

Infographic – if the Swedish blogosphere were 100 people

I have just compiled the statistics from my latest survey BlogSweden 5 (in Swedish: Bloggsverige 5) and a report was published in Swedish in the previous post. A total of 2,251 bloggers and blog readers answered the survey. A translation will be posted later.

In the meantime, below is an infographic that could represent the Swedish blogosphere in 2010, if it were 100 people.

100 people 2

A presentation of BlogSweden 4, conducted in 2009 can be found on Slideshare.

Note: Respondents were chosen by convenience sampling which means that the results of the survey is not statistically valid for all Swedish bloggers, but only for the respondents of the survey.

Bloggsverige 5 – delta i ny bloggundersökning

Uppdatering, 14 april: Enkäten är nu stängd då hela 2250 svar inkommit. Tack för er medverkan. Resultatet publiceras här inom kort.

Läser du bloggar eller bloggar själv? Då vill jag veta vad du tycker.

I maj 2005 genomförde jag den första stora svenska undersökningen av bloggare och bloggläsare, BloggSverige 1. Den följdes av en ny enkät 2006 och en i januari 2008 (rapporterna finns för nedladdning i högermarginalen på denna blogg). Den fjärde enkäten genomfördes 2009 och den kan laddas ner på Slideshare. Nu är det alltså dags för den femte enkäten om bloggar och sociala medier.

Därför skulle jag vilja be så många som möjligt att:

1) fylla i enkäten genom att klicka på följande länk på
Klicka här för att fylla i enkäten.

2) om du har en egen blogg, lägga upp en text på din blogg i stil med följande:
“Bloggen Media Culpa genomför sin femte årliga undersökning av svenska bloggare och bloggläsare. Svara på enkäten genom att klicka på länken och uppmana gärna fler att delta:”

Enkäten tar bara några minuter och är helt anonym. Resultaten presenteras här inom kort.

Om du bloggar om enkäten så lägg gärna till etiketten i eventuella blogginlägg, eller använd #bsv5 för kommentarer på Twitter.

Tack på förhand. Glöm inte att prenumerera på den här bloggen (RSS) eller att följa mig på Twitter (@kullin) så du inte missar när resultatet publiceras.

Mer info:
BloggSverige 1, BloggSverige 2, BloggSverige 3, BloggSverige 4.

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The 25 most valueable U.S. blogs

24/7 Wall St. lists what they believe are the 25 most valueable blogs in the U.S. The latest ranking estimates that the top 25 US blogs are worth $729 million in total. That is a considerable increase since the previous ranking in February 2009 that valued the top blogs to a total of $482 million. For the analysis, the site has moved up the multiples assigned to blog revenue and operating profits because of the recovering economy, so that the blog value better reflects the increase in prices paid for online media properties.

1. Gawker Properties, $300 million.
2. The Huffington Post, $112 million.
3. Perez Hilton, $44 million.
4. Drudge Report. $42 million.
5. TechCrunch. $32 million.
6. PopSugar Properties. $26 million.
7. Politico. $23 million.
8. MacRumors. $20 million.
9. Boing Boing. $18 million.
10. Mashable. $17.5 million.
11. Seeking Alpha. $16 million.
12. GigaOm. $15 million.
13. Breitbart Sites. $11 million.
14. SB Nation Network. $8 million.
15. ReadWriteWeb. $7 million.
16. The Business Insider. $7 million.
17. Destructoid. $5 million.
18. Apple Insider. $4.5 million.
19. //film. (SlashFilm). $4 million.
20. SearchEnginLand. $4 million.
21. Smashing Magazine. $3.5 million.
22. Talking Points Memo Sites. $3.5 million.
23. VentureBeat. $3 million.
24. The Superficial. $3 million.
25. 24/7 Wall St. Network. $???.

Related: In 2007, an estimate by the media agency Wisely said that the top 20 Swedish bloggers had a potential combined annual advertising income of 100 million kronor (14.5 milllion USD). That turned out to be vastly exaggerated.

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