How to find your profile page on Cinemagram is a fun app for creating animated images (GIFs) where only a portion of the frame is animated and the rest is in form of a still shot. The app still doesn’t have a very good web presence, so how do you find your images if you want to embedd them to your blog?

Update Feb 2013: this doesn’t work any longer. I haven’t found a new way to locate your profile page.

Of course you can search for them on Google, but there’s a better way. Go to the app on your smart phone and select the image you want to locate. Press on the share icon on one the image (the icon with three dots in a row). Choose “tweet” to share it on Twitter. You don’t actually have to tweet it, but now you can see the url of the image/video in this format:

When you click on this link, it redirects to a web address that has added the letters “OG” to the url you get a new version (don’t asky me why, it just works). If the link doesn’t redirect you to the longer address, you can add “OG” manually, but please note that the url is case sensitive:

cinemagram profile page

There you see your username, in my case “kullin”. Click on that link to find your profile page which includes your uploads and the images you have liked.

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Cinemagram – an Instagram for animated images

Popular photo app Instagram does many things really well, but one thing it does not handle is the ability to upload and share videos. Enter Cinemagram, a social networking app for sharing short videos that are actually made into animated GIFs. It includes Instagram-like features such as the ability to add filters to your videos, but the twist with Cinemagram is that each video can be edited so that only a portion of the frame is animated and the rest is in form of a still shot. The effects can be hilarious.

The app is fairly new and was initially $1.99 in Appstore, but it is currently free. It is too soon to tell if this app will become successful, but one thing I noticed immediately is that creative uploads have the possibility to get a lot of attention. I had only just downloaded the app and had almost no followers, still my third video has got almost 500 likes during the first 24 hours since upload. You can see it below. The quality is quite poor but it looks a lot better on the iPhone.

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One of the reasons that content may “go viral” within the app is that each time you “like” a video, it is re-posted by you in the app, sort of like a retweet on Twitter, so the content gets a lot of exposure. On top of that the videos with the most likes are displayed in one of the tabs in the app.

Cinemagram doesn’t have a very good web presence, but if you manage to find your profile page and/or the page of one of your animated images, you can find the embed code so that you can paste it easily to your blog for example. The page for the image above is: and my “profile page” is here:

Check out and download Cinemagram here.