A story from Wall Street Journal’s law blog is currently the third most read article on Realtid.se. How did they find it?
WSJ Law Blog, 3 Jan: The Longest Law-Firm Name Ever, Part II – a story about a law firm named after 10 partners.
Media Culpa, 4, Jan: “The longest law-firm name ever” My post about the law firm with the long name. Additional comment about how hard it must be for the firm to find a domain name that long.
Realtid.se, 5 Jan: Longest name on a law firm? (Längsta namnet på advokatbyrå?) Article about the law firm with the long name. Additional comment about how hard it must be for the firm to find a domain name that long.
Related: An article by Niklas Svensson, Politikerbloggen. [Via Erik Laakso.]