The fine art of giving credit like a slap in the face

Oooooh how hard it is for mainstream media to credit bloggers with a scoop. Aftonbladet’s Helle Klein posts about blogger Magnus Ljungkvist’s scoop on her blog at

“(En av de första som påpekade detta var bloggaren Magnus Ljungkvist)”

“(One of the first to point this out was blogger Magnus Ljungkvist)”

Well, that’s the closest we’ve seen so far to giving the right credit to Magnus (I understand that Aftonbladet would not want to credit competitor Expressen, unless they really really had to). But he wasn’t one of the first. He was the first. The first. And not by minutes but by almost one day. It’s not very hard to prove, you just need to check his RSS feed to find that out.

If you are going to give someone credit for his scoop of the year, then do it properly, not with a “von oben” attitude like “I don’t really have to do this, but I’ll be nice this time”.

More in my previous post.

Update: Lena Mellin does the right thing and writes about Magnus’ story in today’s Aftonbladet. Well done, Lena!

“Familjen Borelius inkomster avslöjades för övrigt av s-bloggaren Magnus Ljungkvist, pressekreterare i Stockholms läns landsting och tidigare medarbetare till demokratiminister Britta Lejon.
Bloggen håller på att bli
politikens skarpaste verktyg.
Den har redan skördat offer.”

[Hat tip to Clas for the link.]

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